
Featured Articles : Fibromyalgia

Vikki Owens with her spin instructor.
September 18, 2018

Fighting fibromyalgia with complementary health and NIH

“I’m a fibro fighter.” That is how 61-year-old Vikki Owens of Seattle, Wash., describes her 25-year battle to manage...

September 14, 2018

What’s new in fibromyalgia research?

Researchers at NIH’s National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin...


September 14, 2018

Fibromyalgia: What you need to know

There is no cure for fibromyalgia, but it typically won’t get worse over time. Patients who learn to manage their...

September 13, 2018

5 ways to manage your fibromyalgia

Lifestyle changes and self care are critical to improving your quality of life with fibromyalgia. We asked two top fibromyalgia...
