National Eye Institute
Featured Articles :

Glaucoma: What you need to know
Glaucoma is the name for a group of diseases that can damage the optic nerve in the eye. Glaucoma usually...
Eye Care, Eye Disease, Glaucoma
Not seeing clearly? Cataracts might be the problem
Like a camera, your eyes rely on a lens—the clear part of the eye that helps focus light on the...
Cataract, Eye Care, Eye Disease
Big lessons from small creatures
For centuries, scientists have used small animal models to study everything from how genes work to how diseases develop. And...
NIH Research, Rare Diseases, Eye Disease
Meet the Director: Dr. Michael Chiang, National Eye Institute
National Eye Institute (NEI) Director Michael F. Chiang, M.D., started his position during a strange time: In November 2020, protests...
Meet the Director
Diets rich in fish and vegetables may boost your brain power
Kale and salmon, anyone? The foods you choose for meals and snacks may help you build a stronger body and...
A doctor’s perspective: Living with dry eye
Dry eye can be frustrating and uncomfortable. Untreated, it can turn into a chronic condition. For Dr. Todd Telle, the...
Dry Eye
What the latest science says about omega-3 for dry eye
Penny A. Asbell, M.D., led a study to see if omega-3 fatty acid supplements really help dry eye. The...
Dry Eye
Dry eye: An overview
What is dry eye? Dry eye disease, or dry eye, occurs when the quantity or quality of tears fails to...
Eye Care, Dry Eye
Breaking new ground: NIH research highlights
With NIH support, scientists across the U.S. and the world conduct research to improve the health of our nation....
NIH Highlights